Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy



This document (“informative report”) gives information about the treatment of data, as specified here after, which You will give us, or which are available at our headquarter, and that will be used by us or third parts in charge of the aims reported in this document. The informative report, in particular, is given according to the EU regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”) and following adjustment national laws (together with GDPR, here as Executive Regulation)

1. Owner of the treatment’s identity and contact data
The owner of the treatment, according to articles 4 and 24 of the EU reg. 2016/679, is ARAN World S.R.L.U., Unipersonale, Zona Industriale . Casoli, 64032 Atri (TE)Italy. VAT 01444880676 Tel.+39 085 8794400, email: legally represented by the pro tempore (here referred as “owner”).

2. Contact data of the person in charge of the Protection of data (D.P.O.)
The owner of the treatment doesn’t carry out any activities which foresee the nomination of the Person in charge of protection of personal data.

3. Purposes and legal foundation of the treatment
Personal data will be collected for the purposes and according to the legal foundations here after listed:

PurposeLegal foundation

Point 3: lett. a): Purpose of managing your agreement, and for making all pre-agreement measures executive (e.g. request of informations or quotations). In this case You are free to give Your Personal Data, nevertheless not giving your consent won’t exclude you from asking to sign the above mentioned agreement and to have Your request satisfied. This treatment is necessary due to your being part of the contract in execution.
Point 3, lett. b): Upon your specific consent, for sending promotional communications related to the Owner and communications related to events organized by the Owner (here after as “marketing purposes”) Your consent.

4. Categories of treated personal data
Within the limits of the purposes and the modalities described in this privacy policy informative report, information considered as Personal Data, such as your name, surname, address, telephone, email, etc. could be treated.

5. Receivers and categories of receivers
Personal data won’t be spread, this means they won’t be given to unknown parts. They can be spread though to well known parts, in conformity with the law, for purposes which are strictly related to the ones above mentioned. Any access to Your personal data is limited to all subjects authorized by the Owner. The spreading of data to the detected third parts, as long as they are involved and productive, is tied to the fulfilment of the purposes mentioned at point 3, therefore collected and processed personal data could be:

  • a) used anonymously for statistic purposes;
  • b) put at disposal of the Owner’s co-operators , persons in charge authorized by the Owner for the treatment of personal data;
  • c) given to third parts, persons or companies, Public Administrations, professionals, Law and Orders, Government, courts or other public authorities authorized by the Law;
  • d) given to commercial partners, only in case of previous and explicit consent given by the User;
  • e) when necessary, transferred to another Owner of treatment according to what established by GDPR, also concerning the right of transfer of data.

Information could also be given when they are requested by Judicial Authorities or Public Security. In no cases collected data will be spread later on.

The list of all persons in charge of personal data treatment is available at the Owner of the Treatment’s headquarter.

6. Overseas transfer of data
Data won’t be transferred outside European Union.

7. Duration of data storage (parameters of storage setting)
Here follows a grid containing duration of data storage (parameters of storage setting):

PurposeStorage time

Point 3, lett. a): agreement management For the whole duration of the agreement and the following 10 years.
Point 3, lett. b): Marketing purposes 2 years starting form the collection, with the option for the users of change and/or breach the agreement.

8. Modality of data treatment
Personal data treatment will be carried out through the use of manual, informatic or telematic instruments, able to guarantee safety and privacy, and will be executed by properly trained staff in conformity with the Executive Regulations. There is no computer-based decisional process.

Besides all cases when we find necessary to contact you for matters concerning Your Location, where you give your consent for the treatment of data for the purposed at point 3, lett. b), You could be contacted by e-mail, newsletter, sms, or through any equal electronic instrument or through paper post or phone call by call center to all the phone numbers you provided.
Whether you prefer to be contacted only to one or some contacts, you could send a request downloading and filling the form you find on the following link

9. Acknowledged rights
We inform you that you can exert your rights according to the Executive Regulation, among which are the rights of:

  • a) access Your Personal Data and know the source, the purpose and the aims of their treatment, data belonging to the parts they are spread to, the duration of their storage, and the parameters of storage durations (art 15);
  • b) asking for an adjustment (art 16);
  • c) cancelation (“oblivion”), if not needed anymore, if incomplete, wrong, or collected against the law (art 17);
  • d) asking for the treatment to be limited to a part of information concerning Yourself (art.18);
  • e) within the limits of possibility, receiving in a structural way or to send to You, or persons communicated by You all information concerning Yourself, or the ones provided willingly from You;
  • f) to set yourself against their treatment based on legit interest (art.21);
  • g) revoke Your consent at any time, in case this constitute the foundation of the treatment (the revocation doesn’t prejudice the legality of the treatment carried out before the revocation itself).

All mentioned rights can be exerted through written request, sent to the co-owner (DPO), to the contacts on points 1 and 2.

The Owner at this point must proceed without any delay or the latest within one month after receiving the request. This expiration can be postponed of 2 months if necessary, considering the complexity and the number of the requests received by the Owner. In these cases the Owner, within one month after receiving your request, will inform You and let You know about the reason they postponed.

We remind you that, should your request not be fulfilled, you can address and send a complain to the Authority warrant for the protection of personal data ( in the ways established by the Executive Regulation.